Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Over the weekend I've started work on an entry into a 7 day rogue competition, first thing I did was steal the code from my Fantasy Fortress Tile engine so that I could spit out tile based maps rather quickly, so i now have multi-layer  tile based maps.

Next I sat down and worked on some general entity code and game object management. So I have the starts of a fledgling game engine with objects that can react to events that are posted, draw objects and update objects with very few calls.

I've started work on the zombie behavior since this is a zombie survival rogue like.  I've started work on the graphics and have a base tile set already looking pretty nice.

next up i'm build help function to generate random urban maps and other areas, i need to build some base effects and then set up the skills, equipment, inventory, traps and building functions and if i have enough time the unit management so that building and defense can be allotted to NPC's  that are found on the map to set up defenses for buildings, stores, crops and what not.

Zombies are currently attracted and aggravated by sounds and lights, so i'm hoping that behavior can be added into tactical game play with things like sound/light bombs Herding and flocking behavior and combat.

so now begins day 4

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