So lets begin, this is a blog and introduction to the game that I'm currently working on called Fantasy Fortress and Programming it will contain 1 part tutorial, 1 part rant and 1 and a half parts design. This will be my playground to work out problems and help the think through them. For now I'm using Microsoft C# and XNA 4.0 for the programming language but that may change as I continue on the project To Mono and MonoGame or C++ and SFML with an OpenGL back-end, I like sharing and being opensource but until I know where this is going I'm going to keep the Game Closed Source except for the Tidbits I release here
My first couple of post will be a build up of tutorial / design theory for a modern 2d Tile Engine using accelerated Graphics and the power that those graphics can provide
The Goal of the game is to be a Fortress Simulator in the vein of one of my favorite games of all time the one and only Dwarf Fortress but to let the player stay marginally sane while playing it with a much more modern interface, shinier graphics while maintaining the ability to be modded and edited and played in a living breathing world and hopefully it gets the blessings of the mighty Toady One.